22 March 2018
Celebrated World Forestry Day and World Water Day
22nd Mach 2018, On the occasion of World Forestry Day and World Water Day, Sustainability Initiatives and Environment department, Pune Municipal Corporation, Pune had organized site visits to sewage treatment plants (STPs) of Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC). About 85 students and faculties from various colleges and employees of VK:e environmental attended these site visits.
Under this event, the participants got an opportunity to visit Water filtration plant of capacity 50 KLD located in the premises of ‘Indradhanushya Environment and Citizenship Centre’ and based on combination of phytoremediation and bioremediation technologies. This Water filtration plant is set up on pilot basis to treat the sewage contaminated water from Ambil Odha and the treated water is used for irrigation to landscaped area in the premises.
Further, the participants visited and observed various components and processes of municipal STP Near Rajaram Bridge. This STP of 32 MLD capacity is set up to treat the sewage before its release in the Mutha River and the treatment is based on activated sludge process.
Mr. Mangesh Dighe, Environment Officer and Ms. Pooja Dhole of Pune Municipal Corporation explained the details of both these STPs to the participants and answered their queries. The site visits were successfully co-ordinated by Mr. Amol Umbarje of Sustainability Initiatives.

Correspondence address:
Ground Floor, Next Gen Avenue, S No. 103 Part, C.T.S No. 2850, Bahiratwadi, Off Senapati Bapat Road, Near ICC Trade Tower, Pune- 411016, Maharashtra