23rd February 2019
Seminar on ‘Cities of Pune & Barcelona: An Urban Ideas Exchange'
23rd February 2019, Sustainability Initiatives had arranged ‘Cities of Pune & Barcelona: An Urban Ideas Exchange Seminar today morning at Patrakar Bhavan, Pune.
Noted urban planner Sulakshna Mahajan and Karuna Gokhale’s book by Rajhans Prakashan ‘तुम्ही बी घडा ना’ was launched today in the same event. This book is translated from an original Catalonian book by Ex Deputy Mayor of Barcelona Mr Antoni Vives.
Antoni was also present at the event and regaled the audience with his humour and anecdotes on what he did to transform Barcelona from a smelly, dangerous city to a thriving, popular and bustling metropolis.
Dr Rajendra Jagtap, CEO Pune Smart City presented the Placemaking concept being implemented in Pune and how it has captured the imagination of all cities of India. Like I always like to say – Pune is a trailblazer.
Rajya Sabha MP Vandana Chavan, articulate as always, stressed the need to have a better coordination between political and administrative wings of the government.
It’s a long way to go for Indian cities, but setting the course is what will happen today. And we, Urban planners, should set the stage to guide our governments to look at long term visions towards achieving the dream of Healthy Sustainable Cities in India.

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Ground Floor, Next Gen Avenue, S No. 103 Part, C.T.S No. 2850, Bahiratwadi, Off Senapati Bapat Road, Near ICC Trade Tower, Pune- 411016, Maharashtra