Development made sustainably
Development made sustainably
Development made sustainably
Development made sustainably
Development made sustainably
Development made sustainably
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Our mission is to make the world sustainable

The concept of Sustainability as a way of life is of paramount importance today. With issues of environmental degradation, depleting resources, and irreversible climate change plaguing the earth, urgent steps must be taken towards the resilient and sensitive development of the built environment. Sustainability Initiatives aims at developing a knowledge resource pool that will guide the policymakers and actors of today to make informed decisions that would make the world a better place for the future generation

Our Initiatives

Advocacy and Outreach

Advocacy is one of the pillars of Sustainability Initiatives. The efforts under the Advocacy and Outreach wing aim to address gaps within the current and future policies of the government. One of the prime objectives of Sustainability Initiatives is to guide governmental and semi-governmental departments in policymaking through expert-driven research and analysis.

Capacity Building

Capacity Building through Training and Awareness programmes and dissemination of essential knowledge and skills is a cornerstone towards achieving sustainable development. The Capacity Building Wing of Sustainability Initiatives provides training and guidance to professionals, academicians, decision-makers, and students for effective policy formulation, implementation, and mainstreaming of best practices.

Research and Publication

There is a pressing need for credible and quality research that supports policy making and enables informed and sensitive development in India. At Sustainability Initiatives, we believe that research, particularly in the areas of urban planning and policy will go a long way in developing robust cities.

Community Contributions

Grassroots level development is crucial in paving the way for resilient cities. While we work extensively in city-level development, we take active efforts towards community and neighbourhood level initiatives. Under this wing, we host social events and activities in association with various local organizations to positively impact communities through participatory and democratic processes.

The People who make it possible

Core Member

Core Member

Sr Coordinator

Associates who stand with us: Our Support Partners

Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd.

Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE)

Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency

CREDAI Aurangabad

We believe that we can make more impact with your support

Sustainability only becomes truly impactful through collective and united efforts. When more and more people begin walking the talk on Sustainability by setting examples- that is when a meaningful change will begin. Together, we will inch a step closer towards achieving a transformed consciousness by collectively working towards sensitive means of innovation for a Sustainable world

Join our network

Correspondence address:

Ground Floor, Next Gen Avenue, S No. 103 Part, C.T.S No. 2850, Bahiratwadi, Off Senapati Bapat Road, Near ICC Trade Tower, Pune- 411016, Maharashtra

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