2nd April 2014
Consultation with stakeholders for Urban Street Design Guidelines
As part of the Urban Street Design a stakeholders consultation was held in association with Vk:a architecture to wholisticially understand the perspectives of the different street users and their needs that should be considered while designing streets. The stakeholders invited for this discussion were representatives of Pune Municipal Corporation (Road department & Garden department), Pune Mahanagar Parivahan Mandal Ltd. (PMPML), Pune Traffic Police, , Cyclists, Pedestrians, Auto-rickshaw drivers, Senior citizens and representatives of the Disabled community.
The road stretch considered for this consultation was a part of Karve road. The discussion began with a brief on the project and each stakeholder was asked to share their problems and views while using the streets and how they would like the streets of the future Pune city be. It is important that the stakeholders are made aware of the design guidelines, the implications suggested through this document and how it will effect them.

Correspondence address:
Ground Floor, Next Gen Avenue, S No. 103 Part, C.T.S No. 2850, Bahiratwadi, Off Senapati Bapat Road, Near ICC Trade Tower, Pune- 411016, Maharashtra